This project by Pablo Garreton is a video mapping installation where the audience is invited to show their face to the tracking system which is divided and mapped into small geometric shapes. “Re-cognize me” is based on the concept of face recognition into account the ethical problems of the ubiquitous use of this method in social media, security cameras, our smartphones and big data. We could think that this technologies could create a safer and easier world at the service of human state of wellness but what happens when your personal information is misused? This project tries to explore the medium where our personal identity is turned into data.
This is a short video of the tryout experience where this was open to the audience during four hours
Composition, coding, design and live electronics: Pablo Garretón
Drum Set: Tiago Calderano
Performer: Bettina Nampé
Design Assistance: Florencia Risopatrón
Performed at the HfMT in Cologne 07/2018
Video Recording: Pedro Lacerda